
we're back from tampa bay comic con, where we split with chupakaibra and bubbly sheep creations to create this frankenstein monster of a table:

behold, our FORTRESS!!!

it was kiiinda a normie crowd but i still had a blast hanging with my friends and selling merch to all the good fujos who stopped by! omori and miles were the most popular boys of the con, along with the once-ler sticker (hell yes).

we've reopened the shop with a few new goodies -- a bunch of new holographic prints (now that i FINALLY have them), and another pair of parody badges!

hosoda collages and some more fanart mini prints are in!!

our merch production will be slowing down briefly in the gap between now and wasabicon in october, but never fear, we have lots of new designs planned for it that will be revealed closer to the date! x3 thanks so much for sticking around, and be sure to share the online shop with your fandom friends in the meantime!!



this past weekend rotten girl gang appeared at the con we've been waiting all year for: metrocon! it was our biggest con yet, and aside from our new prints getting fumbled by UPS (thankfully we WILL have them for tampa bay comic con next week), i can happily say it was our biggest success!!

i couldn't have dreamed of how well rotten girl gang would be received... i expected some people to be happy to see our stuff, but the amount of people who came up to tell me how much the gang had inspired them and made them feel safe to express themselves at the con was truly touching. :') it made me feel like all my hard work putting the table together was really paying off! speaking of the table...

it was ALSO our biggest yet!!

it was hard to figure out how to fill up an 8-foot table with just the merch i was able to make in this past year, but it'll be even harder to squeeze it all into TWO feet next weekend at tampa bay comic con, where i'll be sharing with two tablemates, chupakaibra and bubbly sheep creations!

find us all the way in there at artist alley table #B8!

now that i'm back home, i've reopened our etsy shop and stocked it with all our newest merch!! go grab them quick before i close up again for our appearance at tampa bay comic con!

some of the new merch waiting to be snagged!

thank you all SO much for your support online and offline. i'm so happy that rotten girl gang has already been able to make a small but important difference in the world. i hope to continue to provide a place for people to be who they are, like what they like, and most importantly, have FUN in fandom!! ^w^



it's almost time for our biggest convention yet, the one i've been working all year toward!! metrocon is this weekend, and we'll be at table A9 in the front of the artist alley!!

where to find the gang!

i'm beyond excited for this con to finally be here, and have been working my sexy little butt off to get as much amazing merch out as possible for it!! here's just SOME of the new additions to our lineup!

new stickers, lanyards, and additions to the BOY ☆ CATCHER lineup, including super secret surprise boy miles morales!!!

all of these and more will be available at metrocon and in our online shop after the con!

new zines, con badges, and expanded lineups of bespoke yaoi buttons & butt buttons!

you may also have noticed that we've added a new social media button to the sidebar -- that's right, rotten girl gang is now on mastodon! you can follow us from your preferred server at!

thank you all for your support in getting us to this point! i sincerely hope that metrocon will be a huge success and allow me to keep spreading fun & joy to my fellow fujos for years to come! ^w^



this past weekend rotten girl gang tabled at bold matsuri! it was a smaller, two-day con, but we still did well and met lots of fellow fujos who loved our stuff! lucky for us, we had some new additions to the lineup finished just in time for the con!

we're gaining altitude!!

our new "pass the yaoi" mugs miraculously arrived within two days of ordering them, and the tote bags i managed to make myself using heat-transfer vinyl! i'm super proud of how both of them came out, and both are now availble in the rotten girl gang online shop for you to enjoy, too!

our new mugs & tote bags!

for the next few weeks i'll be hard at work preparing for our biggest show yet, metrocon! i can't believe how much i've managed to put together since starting this business at the beginning of the year, and there's even more to come! i'll update before the con with new merch previews and more info on how to find us at table A9! hope to see you there! >w<



so, remember what i said about us not having a full table at anime festival orlando? well, it turns out some of the artists didn't show up and we were offered a full table! i spent the whole weekend behind table 11 in the artist alley, providing sweet sexy merch to the fujos of florida!

our new and improved table at AFO!

everyone was so kind to me at the con, which, after the relative flops of my first two, really felt like rotten girl gang's true debut. i got so many comments thanking me for my service, complimenting my art, and chatting about the good ol' days of yaoi paddles and flame wars. i had a fantastic weekend, made a profit, and even won an award in the AMV contest! i'm looking forward to doing it all over again at bold matsuri this coming weekend -- find me at artist alley table A22 on saturday and sunday!

our spot at bold matsuri, table A22 in the artist alley!

in merch news, at AFO i debuted our new kudos bottlecap pins and they were a hit!! grab one at our etsy shop and give the gift of a kudos to your favorite writer, artist, or cosplayer!

i also have another con announcement to share with you all: rotten girl gang has officially made it into wasabicon's artist alley and will be there october 13-15th! it's thanks to all of you that the gang is going so well! i'm so grateful and can't wait to debut my next designs! ;w;



just one week until our next con, anime festival orlando!!! as a reminder, i won't have a full table but will be sitting at my friend bubbly sheep creations' table, assisting and selling some of my keychains! i should have all my candy bags and as many boys as i can squeeze in! find us at table 13 in the artist alley!

here's the map again!

that's not all! the boys from our last preorder just arrived and are now available in my shop! pick up OMORI/sunny and vash/nai here on the main listing on etsy!

the updated lineup!

one order in means another order's going out, so... check out the new boys we have up for preorder! your votes in my site's poll helped me decide to make taichi (digimon adventure), satoshi/ash (anipoké), and detective conan edogawa! the three of them plus another super secret SURPRISE boy will be arriving mid-july! you can preorder them at the preorder listing on etsy!

thanks so much for continuing to support the gang! hope to see you all at a con soon!! *^w^*



hey everyone! i've got some great news for the gang!! my friend bubbly sheep creations was taken off the waitlist for anime festival orlando and offered to let me sell some of my merch at her table over the weekend of june 16-18th! so while this won't be a full appearance of rotten girl gang, my BOY ☆ CATCHER and yaoi candy keychains will be available at her artist alley table, #13! come by and grab some of her amazing merch, too!!

that's where we'll be!

and that's not all... literally as i was writing this announcement, a friend offered me, bubbly sheep, and chupakaibra a table to split at tampa bay comic con! so rotten girl gang will be making a small appearance there as well! come see us july 28th-30th after our big metrocon appearance!

in the meantime, i've got some merch previews for you, too! first is a sneak peek at my upcoming kudos bottlecap pins! i still need to glue the backs onto them, but soon you'll be able to hand out physical kudos to your favorite fanfic authors! i should have them finished late next month! second is a preview of the next two BOY ☆ CATCHER keychains, sunny/OMORI and vash/nai, who will be available in about a week! you can preorder them right away here, or grab them from the main listing once they're on hand! i should have a few more designs done by metrocon and i can't wait to reveal them all! thank you so much for supporting my online shop while we wait for our next convention appearance! *^w^*



unfortunately, the hero con turned out to be a total disaster! one of the other artists wrote a full recap thread here on twitter, but the tl;dr is that the con was poorly managed and had way too many artists for the number of attendees -- which was next to none. very few of the artists and vendors were able to even make back their table, and rotten girl gang took a hard hit, losing money rather than earning it over the weekend.
though i know the underperformance was no fault of our own, i've decided to mark down our prices in the hopes it will drive up online sales to recoup the loss. please give our etsy shop a look and help us out if you can, two new varieties of heart-shaped buttons and preorders for our next pair of BOY ☆ CATCHER keychains are now available!



this weekend rotten girl gang is at the hero con! find us at table a9 and take home some of our newest merch, bespoke yaoi buttons!!



this past saturday marked rotten girl gang's debut at sarasotacon! here was our very first table setup:

i'm so proud of how it came out, and this weekend's one-day mini convention was perfect for testing it out! i'm already making a couple of changes to make it even better for next weekend's much larger convention, the hero con! we'll be at table A10 in their artist alley all three days!! come by and check out the latest additions to our lineup!

in other news, due to popular demand at sarasotacon we've launched an instagram where people can more easily follow the gang! we'll be posting con announcements and merch photos there as well as keeping up this blog and of course our mailing list!

one last, unfortunate announcement: our hisoka sticker got hit with a copyright notice from viz and was forcibly deactivated from our etsy. -_- but he'll still be available at cons, and who knows, maybe if you order a lot of hxh stuff from the shop he might sneak himself into your package. ⭐~_^💧



as you might have noticed on the sidebar of the site, rotten girl gang's con lineup is starting to flesh out! our first con, sarasotacon, is coming up next weekend (april 29th), and we have another one, the hero con, in fort myers the weekend after (may 5th-7th)! we were also accepted to bold matsuri in jacksonville in june, and mycon in august! along with metrocon in july, we've got a pretty solid starting run! all our merch has arrived and is up on etsy now, so all that's left is to put it all together at a con! i'll post pics of the full table as soon as it's set up in sarasota next weekend. hope to see you there! ☆^w^☆



today the rotten girl gang online shop officially opened to the public! now that the first group of merch has made its way to me, it's time for it to head out to all of you! you can visit it here on etsy. you can grab some now, or wait -- more will be coming very soon! i just put in the order for the first prints, and i'm almost ready to submit a big sticker order, too! everything's on track for my first little test run con, sarasotacon, at the end of the month (april 29th). i can't wait to finally debut this dream project at a convention! it has been such a delight working on it and i really hope you all will love it as much as i do! ☆^w^☆



today the gang's table runner arrived in the mail! i've spent all month working on the first print, which i hope to reveal soon, along with various pieces for the table, including business cards, a customized BOY ☆ CATCHER machine, and this runner! the print came out so crisp and it looks great on top of the fuschia table cloth! i might end up spray painting the little display pieces a limey-er green later, but for now they work. for cubes i'll be using a mix of black and pink. ;3

the first of the merch from the vograce order will be arriving tomorrow and i'm so excited!! this table is gonna be awesomesauce!!! :D



today the website went live! i spent all of february getting it ready, and at the last minute decided i needed a mailing list which took all day to code. but it's finally finished and ready to submit to conventions! also finished is all the merch going into the first vograce order, which includes the first group of BOY ☆ CATCHER keychains, candy bags, sticker sheets, and washi tape. i had to really crunch to get them all finished in time to join my friend's group order, but i somehow made it despite my busted wrist and even had time to finish up an extra sticker sheet in just three hours! (it was the dicks xD) i'm extremely proud of everything i've made for the gang so far and i can't wait to share it all with the world! ^w^